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David D. Goss has 35 years of experience practicing law, much of it as one of the preeminent family law authorities in the state of Idaho.  He now uses the wealth of knowledge he has attained thereby to resolve divorces and related issues through mediation.  The mediation process is much less formal and time-consuming than a battle in a court of law.

A mediator does not have legal authority to make decisions in your case or act as a judge. Instead, David D. Goss uses his store of knowledge and negotiating skills to help both sides work together on a solution that is mutually agreeable.

How mediation works

The divorcing spouses  meet with trained mediator, David D. Goss, who serves as a neutral third party throughout the whole process.  The spouses and Mr. Goss first set up ground rules for the mediation.  Once these rules are set, Mr. Goss may meet with both parties together or with each person separately.  Several meetings may take place over a period of time.

Both sides heard

During the mediation, both parties are given the opportunity to present their viewpoint in a calm and non-adversarial atmosphere.  If one spouse is more naturally outspoken or gregarious than the other, David Goss takes steps to make sure that the quieter spouse is heard equally.  With his guidance, both parties attempt to agree on issues such as:

  • Child support
  • Child custody
  • Visitation
  • Division of property
  • Alimony
  • Role of the mediator

Fair and unbiased

Mr. Goss does not side with or favor either spouse during these meetings.  Instead, he attempts to help the parties together reach a compromise about the issues.  He guides and makes suggestions about proposed solutions.  He explains why a proposed resolution would or would not work.  If both spouses can reach a compromise with this help, the mediation is successful.  A written agreement is prepared for both parties to sign.

Nothing to lose with mediation

There is nothing to lose by mediation.  If the parties cannot agree on a solution, they are not bound by anything that happened during the mediation.  The matter can still be brought to a judge in a court of law by the traditional method.

Attorney approval

Divorcing spouses are each represented by an attorney, even when they decide to go through the mediation process.  However, the attorneys do not attend the mediation.   Instead, they have an opportunity to review the mediation agreement to see if the issues have been resolved fairly.

Experienced attorneys striving for constructive resolutions

Contact Goss Gustavel Goss, PLLC at (208) 345-9974 to be represented by a firm that recognizes the emotional trauma involved in your personal and family legal issues.  We put our clients at ease until a resolution is found.

Our Office
  • Boise Office
    401 W. Front St
    Suite 302
    Boise, Idaho 83702
    Phone: 208-514-4497
    Fax: 208-345-9982